Gregory Contreras ’16

Gregory Contreras

Where are you currently living? Since graduating from SU, I moved back home to Los Angeles.  

What are you currently doing with your degree? After majoring in Economics and TV, Radio & Film at SU, I decided to pursue graduate school in Los Angeles. This past May, I graduated and received my master’s degree in economics from USC. 

How did participating in Immersion Week impact your career path? Participating in Immersion Week taught me to be more open to exploring new interests. Prior to participating in Immersion Week, I was hesitant to change majors. After meeting other participants who were exploring studies they were passionate about I was inspired to find my own a passion which turned out to be economics. 

Any advice for potential Immersion Week participants/future SU graduates? I’d advise future participants to be inquisitive when visiting site locations and meeting alumni. I would also urge students to take advantage of the resources at the career center.